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Christmas Raspberry Wreath

With the magic of Christmas upon us, there is nothing more magical than waking up to the smell of a homemade Raspberry Wreath!  Once you make this festive treat, we guarantee it will become a firm favourite in your family for many Christmases to come.  Poor Santa though - he arrives too early to feast on this treat!  Ho ho ho ho ho!

Christmas Raspberry Wreath


o    1 tsp dry yeast        

o    ½ cup warm water

o    1 Tbsp caster sugar    

o    1½ Tbsp milk

o    1½ cup flour    

o    1½ Tbsp vegetable oil

o    1 handful of currants    

o    1 Tbsp orange zest

o    1 tsp cinnamon

o    2 Tbsp Raspberry Jam    

Extra; milk for brushing, sugar for sprinkling
Christmas raspberry wreath

Christmas Ribbon


  1. Place yeast, sugar, water and in a bowl, stir then set aside for 5 minutes (or until you see bubbles).
  2. Place flour, oil, milk, currants, zest and cinnamon in a bowl, make a well, add yeast mixture and mix to form dough.
  3. Dunk your hands in flour then pull dough together and knead for 5 minutes until it feels elastic (silky).
  4. Pat the top of your dough with flour.  Put in a bowl, cover with damp cloth and let it grow to the size of a giant beanstalk!! 

To make the Wreath

  1. Once dough has grown, knock out the air by squashing the dough - flour your clean surface, then roll out into the shape of a rectangle (55cm * 25cm). 
  2. Spread  jam over dough, cut in half down the middle, then roll-up each rectangle (lengthways) until you have 2 big logs!
  3. Join the tops of each log together.
  4. Twist the logs together, then form a circle and join ends together at the top.
  5. Brush with milk, sprinkle with sugar and bake for 15-20 minutes until golden brown.
  6. When cool, tie a ribbon in the top centre of your wreath.
Bex WoolfallBex Woolfall (left) and business partner Suzi Tait-Bradly (right) run LIttleCooks, a business dedicated to teaching kids to cook.  It is their firm belief that if kids learn to cook whilst they young, they will not only obtain a lifelong skill, but develop healthy eating habits as well! LittleCooks - cooking classes for kids

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