Healthy Fun Snacks


Healthy Fun Snacks
We all know that most children are grazers  and prefer little and often with food. This doesn't make life any easier for parents who are constantly having to think about what to feed their children at the next mealtime let alone what to give the kids for snack time.
I'm not sure about you, but I honestly don't have time to prepare fancy snacks for my children! So I set about finding some fun and healthy but also quick and easy snacks that will pique their interest.

1. Butterfly Snack Bags (source)

Butterfly Snack Bags

Take a zip-lock bag and a peg, and peg down the middle of the bag. Stick (or draw) on eyes and the pipe cleaner to finish. Fill the two sides of the bag with what ever healthy snacks you have to hand!
2. Fruit Peacock (source)

Kids Fruit Peacock

Halve a pear, add some grapes and blueberries with a little carrot to decorate!

3. Peanut Butter Slice (source)

Super Healthy Kids Snacks

Slice an apple, add some peanut butter - nothing-could-be-simpler!

4. Egg Boats (source)

Healthy Kids Snacks - Egg Boats

Peel and halve a hard-boiled egg. Cut some cheese into sails and stick on a cocktail stick.

5. Cat in the Fruit Hat (source)

Cat in the Fruit Hat

Apple, banana and strawberry and a cocktail stick!

6. Melon Heart Kebabs (source)

Heart Shaped Melon Kebab

Melon hearts on lolly sticks ready to dip in to yoghurt.

7. Flower Power & Peanut Butter and Jam Sushi (source)

Healthy Kids Snacks

Carrots and a celery stick with some dip. Peanut Butter and Jam rolled up!

8. Healthy Cone (source)

Healthy Snacks for Children

Grilled cheese and sliced banana with a cherry on top.

9. Flower Pot Fun (source)

Quick and easy kids snack

Crackers, celery, carrots, grapes, bananas, strawberries, jam sandwich and ham.
Submitted by: Tam De Haan (Editor)

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Tam De Haan   Tam De Haan
Tam has 4 children under 7 years old as well as 4 years experience of retailing online.
Ben De Haan   Ben De Haan
Ben has 13 years experience in Internet publishing.


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