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How to dress up your child for a special occasion

How to dress your child for a special occasion
Do you remember that time when you were a child and your family was about to attend a formal occasion, such as a wedding reception or your cousin's birthday, and your parents dressed you up the way they wanted? Many of us remember our parents pushing our little nerves to the very edge over dressing for special occasions. These days, it's much better to involve your child in decisions about what they are going to wear on special occasions.

Family weddings

Probably the trickiest celebration that a child can attend is the wedding reception of a newly-married relative. It is not only that your kid is taken away from a great afternoon play with his or her friends or the new sequel of their favourite video game, but that he or she also has to get dressed up in a set of clothes he or she does not fancy at all.

To make things easier for you and your child, firstly, don't force him or her to wear something that might seem smart, but actually suffocates your child. Check how comfortable the clothes are to wear and abandon anything that's too stuff or starchy. If the clothes are uncomfortable, your child is likely to remove them at the first opportunity. 

Next, let your children have some say. If they're not in the bridal party, it really doesn't matter what they wear! If your daughter would like to wear a t-shirt or a dress with Adele's or Beyonce's face on it, paired with All-Star plimsolls, let them do so. You might find that you can compromise on a nice skirt to go with the -shirt! 

Boys are often easier to dress than girls as they'll (mostly likely!) be wearing pants and a top. These days, there are lots of funky dress t-shirts that can be easily matched with some cute pants. Try putting on a T-shirt (or a really cool shirt) with their favourite music star on it and a pair of new jeans. In the end, it does not matter what your aunts will say: What matters is your kids (and your!) good mood.


Attending birthdays is a big thing for kids and your child will have a strong desire to shine and glitter in his or her own way. So, this is a great occasion for taking your kids shopping and let them make their own choice. You don't need to spend lots of money - visiting your local second hand shop can be a great way to find clothes! 

When looking for clothes for birthdays, it pays to think about clothes that will wash well and not show too many stains. Parties are notorious for coloured food and drink and some of it is bound to end up on the kids' clothes! It's nice to have your children in lovely clothes but don't forget to be practical about it as well. 

Birthdays can often be themed as well and this is a good chance to have some fun. Visit your local $2 shop and rummage around - you'll be amazed at what you can find and it's a great chance for you and your child to spend some time together.

Going to a mall or to see friends

I know that this doesn't really seem like a special occasion but since visiting malls has become a weekend family routine, some parents are trying to turn their children into small, fancy copies of themselves. When you take a look at families sitting at malls cafes, it seems that parents are competing in decorating their children with brand names. It is useful for children's future that they start developing their own fashion style, but they should be spared their parents' ambitions. So, when going to a supermarket, do not force your son to wear the new Timberland jacket or your daughter to show off (you) with a new Louis Vuitton bag if they don't want to. Let them be children and dress like it. Let's face it, no one is really going to care what your small person is wearing to the mall, so choose your battles and let this one go! 

I guess my main message here is that although the occasions are important to you, they're probably less so to your kids. Save yourself some stress and let them get involved in what they wear. It'll work out best for everyone! 
Sophie Anderson is a designer from Australia. She’s interested in fashion and photography. Sophie's hobby is sewing. She's always searching for new inspiration and creative ideas. Sophie is also freelance writer for Stellina Cute Couture.

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