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Nestling merino pouch slings

Hold close merino

19 May 2012

With the mornings being frostier, the days having that slight chill that lingers in the air, and the nights requiring an extra layer or two, we are reminded that winter is quickly descending upon us.

Having had an autumn newborn myself, I remember those winter months, and having to wrap her up nice and warm, trying to keep that lovely Wellington southerly away from her.  And I remember later on, discovering the Nestling slings, and wishing that I had found them earlier, with their toasty 100% merino inner. 

As I was perusing the Unique Boutique website, I again, rediscovered the Nestling merino pouch slings, in unique designs for Unique Boutique, and thought it would be a disservice not to feature them, and highlight their gorgeousness to all of the new mums out there.

The stunning black yoko and grey vines, which are only available at Unique Boutique are featured below.  Beautiful!  The standard designs (along with the new Nestling swaddling wraps) can be purchased via the Nestling website.



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