
Art and Anthropology French Counting Cards

Un, deux, trios

Jodi Mitchell
11 November 2011

My latest obsession is the idea of learning a second language with my children while they are still young and their minds are like sponges.  Other than a little Maori, and the odd word I picked up on my travels or through cooking, I’m starting from scratch.  Both of my children are already picking up Maori (the oldest at preschool, the youngest via the oldest), so I’ve decided French might be a goer to learn at home.  At the moment I’m trialling various iPhone apps (more on that later, I’ll write up some reviews), but when I came across these nature themed French counting cards from Art and Philanthropy on Inhabitots, I almost squealed in delight (I was on the train, so I did keep the verbal excitement in check however!).

The cards are 5x7 inches, and come in a set of ten (of course for counting one to ten!) and are available in english, spanish, italian, chinese, german, french, hebrew or swedish.



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