
Made By Joel

Have printer, can create

22 June 2010

I love stumbling upon creative geniuses. Especially ones of the daddy variety that funnel all of those artistic juices towards creating cool things for their kids, and sharing them with the rest of the world.

Ever since discovering artist Joel Henriques (thanks to Li’l Magoolie) the other day, hours have been spent perusing his craft blog.

Here are a few of my favorite free downloads he has on his blog. Print them off and watch those rainy winter days just breeze by.

1. Paper mobile for babies
2. Paper city
3. Vehicles for the paper city
4. Modern alphabet game
5. Slotted building discs

Joel’s blog (“Made by Joel”) is full of very cool ideas for keeping the little ones occupied. He also sews and embroiders. How hip is that?!






Hoopla Kids clothing

Nappy Warehouse

MILK books

munch cupboard



Latest Features
1. 10 candles to light your fire - how much fun can you fit on your cake?!
2. Hoopla kids - Scrumptious looking gears to brighten your kids' wardrobes
3. How to dress your child for a special occasion
4. Fruity pineapple flamingo party - Sweet, bright and sunny
5. Spanish Baby Bites- European sleeping bags that are unique and adorable

Most Read This Week
1. Upcycling baby clothes - Turn your most treasured items into something that lasts
2. Grace's ballet party - celebrate your tiny dancer
3. After the birth - What to expect when you've welcomed your bundle of joy
4. Lalaloopsy party - How to craft your party around a centrepiece
5. 10 candles to light your fire - how much fun can you fit on your cake?!

Most Shared Features

1. Scone peapods - the cutest and most delicious vegetables around
2. Lalaloopsy party - How to craft your party around a centrepiece
3. Superkids Scroggin- An innovative lunchbox idea
4. Jeffrey's Lego Party - totally Legotastic
5. Best indoor playsets - Unbelievable fun most of us can only dream of!
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