Little Art Displays
Vanessa Rehm
5 June 2012
Each day when I pick my little lady up from Kindergarten and ask “what was your favourite thing at Kindy today?”, her reply is always “Painting”.
She loves the watercolours, the regular paints, using the sponges for effect, the glitter-drenched technique, and her latest method: the “butterfly” – you remember that one where you apply splotches of paint and then fold your piece of paper in half to make a mirror image and in turn create a “butterfly”? Yup, that’s the one!

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And so, since painting is her favourite Kindy pastime, at the end of each week there is a rather large pile of paper waiting for me - 3 afternoons worth of artistic expression to be precise. I genuinely love what she’s creating and being that my entire family – save for me – is artistically talented and she’s aspiring to ‘paint like Grandad’, I want to nurture this love. I want to find a way to display her works in our home. For now they are safely tucked in a corner of my office whilst I figure out the best way to do this.
I’ve been scouring Pinterest looking for some inspiration and as always – I have come up trumps. So many beautiful ideas of how to openly admire your children’s artwork and allow visitors to do the same. There are tutorials on how to create these displays and a plethora of imagery to imitate in your own home, depending of course on personal preference, space available and the type of display best suited to your little one’s art.
I am inspired I’ll confess, but when I’ll get around to doing something is another story altogether!
I especially love these local versions from Megan at
Tea Pea and her hall way display of the kids pictures:
And this beautiful piece created by Christall from
Maisy & Grace:
And here are a few more to really get those creative juices flowing:
Images via:
Design Is Mine,
Childhood 101,
Butterfly House Organizing,
Clean and Scentsible,
Apartment Therapy,
Lovely Sweet William,
Play Based Learning,
Your Decorating Hotline,
June Cleaver Nirvana,
Centstational Girl
Vanessa Rehm is a full-time SAHM who is the talent behind the gorgeous and fabulous online boutique,